Twitter Conference #SCBMelb20: “Conserving Melbourne’s Biodiversity: past, present and future”
The inaugural Twitter Conference #SCBMelb20, to be held next July 30th–31st, 2020, has the theme “Conserving Melbourne’s Biodiversity: past, present and future”. It aims to bring together stories of biodiversity research and conservation action from across Melbourne and share them with a wider audience.
It is organized by the Society for Conservation Biology. Below is a summary of the information and you can read more about it here. You can submit your abstract via this form.
“We’re inviting presentations from anyone who has had a hand in conservation research or action within Greater Melbourne, including those from academia, state and local government, industry, land managers, NGOs and community groups. We’re interested in all aspects of nature conservation – ecology, social science, culture and community, policy and practice. You can share the story behind past events, current research or turn our thoughts to the future. Help us introduce Melbournites and the rest of the world to the amazing biodiversity on their doorstep.
Dates to keep in mind:
How do presentations work?
Each presenter is allocated a 5-minute timeslot to present their work across 5 tweets. It may not sound like a lot, but there’s a huge capacity to be creative! You can include images of your slides, photos from the field, links to research papers, blogs and videos, gifs, memes – you name it. Anything that might help communicate your work with a broad audience. We’ll release some tips and guidelines along the way, so keep an eye out.
Who is the audience?
Everyone! Unlike a traditional academic conference, a Twitter conference isn’t limited to other researchers who happened to be in the room during your talk. Anybody with a Twitter account who is interested in biodiversity conservation can follow along with the hashtag #SCBMelb20. This is a great opportunity to engage people beyond your traditional networks and bring stories of conservation science and practice to the broader public.”